Unfortunately the human body naturally loses muscle mass and muscle density as it ages beyond 30 years. On average the human body will lose approximately 4% of its muscle mass every decade after 30. The good news is that there are ways to slow the process and even prevent the loss of muscle mass and density as you get older. Here are 5 tips on how to achieve this worthwhile goal.
1. Strength Training- Exercising your muscles with resistance training using weights, resistance bands or your own body weight will prevent or slow the loss of muscle mass as you age. Additional benefits of strength training include improving heart health, preventing diabetes, and maintaining mental health. 2. Eat Protein- Muscles are constantly being repaired as you use them, and the building material that your body uses to repair muscles is protein. Whole grains, tofu, beans, lentils, meat and fish are all good sources of the protein your body needs to build and repair muscle mass. 3. Omega 3- Wild caught salmon and fish oil supplements are excellent sources of the Omega 3s your body needs to prevent inflammation and slow muscle aging. 4. Vitamin D- Sunlight is an effective and free way of getting sufficient vitamin D, but you can also get it from yogurt, milk, cereals and supplements. Vitamin D helps you gain strength and slow muscle breakdown, and it also is good for your bones and immune health. 5. Get Sufficient Potassium- Green, leafy vegetables and fresh fruit are excellent sources of the potassium electrolytes your body needs for muscle contractions, heart health and maintaining youthful muscles.